Tuesday, March 22, 2016


 Sword Play the NERF Way

Here it is late March already and I don't even have one a post up yet this month... I thought that since the newest addition to my NERF collection wasn't a blaster but a machete, this was a good time to talk about a different subject- melee weapons.
 This is my new Zombie Strike Machete
NERF melee weapons  have always had mixed reviews among NERFerS. It seems that most hardcore blaster battle fans have no use for such gear. But NERF swords and axes as well as other foam bladed weapons have found  their niche with some fans including HVZ players, cosplayers, costume builders, LARPer's, and others.
I was not originally a fan of the NERF N-FORCE series melee weapons. They were impractical and expensive at a time when the N-SRIKE line was the center of attention. One day after the blaster series had become well established and my own armory was fairly well stocked, I found myself looking at a N-FORCE THUNDERFURY short sword. The yellow NERF sword was on clearance sale  and I thought it might look cool hanging on the wall above my yellow blaster collection...that's when things changed for me.

Center is my first THUNDERFURY sword that started the collection. It's used but well cared for.
Over the past few years I've collected a number of NERF N-FORCE and a few other foam melee weapons.
Group picture.

I made this foam throwing star from  scratch.
 While I still would take a good blaster over a melee weapon in a battle, and a lot of my collection has never been out of the box, I have obviously become a fan of these foam edged battle accessories and found many ways to incorporate them into NERF games too..

I've even tried my hand at a little "foamsmithing". Using craft foam and other readily available foam materials to make and mod foam melee weapons
I lengthened and modified the grip of this sword.

Buzz Bee FUN SWORDS are cheap and easy to work with. You can trim them, paint them, ad to them, etc....

I'm working on a "DEADPOOL" inspired NERF project with these.

Currently companies like Buzz Bee Toys, Perpetual Play Group, and a few others are still making foam melee weapons. PPG is now making the Zombie Strike weapons for NERF. But if you're looking for some of the older NERF N-FORCE gear, it's discontinued and getting harder to find.
So if for you whether it's Blasters, Blades, or Both...
                                                        NERF ON NERFerS!!!