Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Greetings NERFerS, how have you been? I hope you have been well and safe. I realize it's been over a month since my last post, but I didn't want you to think that I had given up on NERFARIUM. I just needed to take a little break. Like everybody else, I had to focus my attention on other matters.To be perfectly honest, I just haven't been feeling 100% NERFY lately either.

Well last night, while watching some videos and reading some articles,and trying to get back in to the  swing of things and catch up on the latest in all things Nerf, I thought I should let you know I was still around and that I have couple of new blasters and projects in the pipeline...

I'm doing something with Rhinos...

another mod in the works...

I'll get back to regular posts ASAP, so check back soon for something new. Until then. try to stay happy and healthy and...

                                NERF on NERFerS!!!