Tuesday, August 7, 2018


My Review and Comparison of NFSTRIKE'S Whirlwind Head Mega Dart

It's been said, "Don't apologize for not posting on your blog because no one really cares." So with that in mind I'll just say that I've been gone for a while due to some health issues and I'm just glad to be back.

Now... a few weeks ago (more like  months now) my friends over at NFSTRIKE  sent me some of their Whirlwind Head Soft Bullet for Nerf Mega Blaster Toy. That is the official name on the website  for what most NERFers  might simply call an ACCU-MEGA  dart. I've even heard people call them ACCU-FAKE... (I call them "Whirlwind-MEGAS") ... however big corporations have a funny habit of copy-writing everything, and I'm sure Hasbro owns "MEGA Dart".  Well, I'm going to review this off-brand/third party/after market/ whatever you want to call it dart, as well as compare it with the official NERF N-Strike Elite Mega Dart.

Whirlwind Head Mega dart from NFSTRIKE.