Thursday, December 29, 2016

MODULUS Storage Stock and Storage Shield

Two new Modulus accessories that are coming out for 2017 have been spotted. They are the MODULUS Storage Stock and the MODULUS Storage Shield.  Although they're not out in stores just yet I thought I'd show you what we're going to get and what we might expect...

First is the Storage Stock-
 According to the product description it is an extendable stock with a flip open stock butt to reveal storage for extra darts. That's about it, not even any extra darts to  put in it. I don't have a MSRP for it but I'd guess it will retail for around $10, like the MODULUS Blaster Stock.

Next is the Storage Shield-

This new accessory easily attaches to Nerf Modulus blasters. The shield opens to create a 3-point shield and stores up to 24 Elite darts and 6 Mega darts in the shield. I've seen this product listed on Amazon for $21 but I'm sure it will retail at most stores for less.

So there you have 'em! Even more accessories for you to help you customize your  MODULUS system in over 1000 ways... or not. What will those madmen at NERF come up with next?
I want to give a shout-out to a  REDDIT Nerfer by the name of spOOkymemes for the heads up on this one.

                                               NERF ON NERFerS!!!



...or 7's Mega Super Fun Time Holiday!

I've avoided the NERF Elite MEGA series every since it first launched back in 2013. With the initial bad reviews of the CENTURION and the prospect of collecting yet another series with new ammo none the less, I focused on other blasters... but this last holiday season and the shopping bargains that came along with it have changed all that. It was magical...!

Pictures of all my new Mega blasters after the jump-

Friday, December 2, 2016


New Rival blaster spotted today!

Huge news today in the NERF world! A brand new RIVAL blaster called the ARTEMIS was spotted online available for pre-order. The company advertising this is a place called ACDdistribution, out of Middleton WI. and here is what we know;
The Artemis XVII-3000 blaster has 4 rotating barrels. A spring-action cocking, Slam-fire mechanism and fires at a velocity up to 100 fps. It holds 30 rounds in an "easy loading" internal magazine. The blaster also has a trigger lock, features one tactical rail on top and comes with 30 rounds. The list price is $44.99.
A little earlier this evening I saw a picture of this blaster and immediately began tracking the source...It seems that as a community of NERFerS general consensus is that original credit for this breaking story is due to UK Nerf and Marcus...Thanks fellas and...

                                                              NERF ON NERFerS!!!