Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Star Wars Rogue One Nerf Imperial Death Trooper Deluxe Blaster

The Star Wars Rogue One Nerf Imperial Death Trooper Deluxe Blaster hit stores in October of 2016 for about $35. It's a 3 shot, pump action springer with a smart AR system. It features trigger activated  Star Wars inspired light and sound effects. Also pump activated UV LED lights in the barrel that look cool and charge the glow- in the- dark- darts!
As cool as this blaster is, performance is lacking and I thought it was too expensive as did many NERFers...  but they say "good things come to those who wait" and I just found some on clearance for 9 bucks.
This movie promo blaster just got better!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


"The HYPERFIRE just made the top of my wish list! I'll certainly be showing mine off the second I'm able to get my hands on one!"

Those were some of my closing words from my post way back last January about the (then) brand new ELITE HYPERFIRE. That post is currently the most popular on the  NERFARIUM read list.
 Well tonight is the night! I waited a while- almost a year until I could catch a good deal, and I pounced on it! So this is it! At long last, the moment we've been waiting for... my HYPERFIRE REVEIW!

I actually bought it online Thanksgiving night and picked it up in-store a week later (busy with the holidays you know).