Saturday, May 30, 2015

May Day, May Day...Final Post of May

NERF ON EARTH , for  the month...

I've been trying to get a CROSSBOLT since I first heard of it but still haven't been able to find one.
Besides that there hasn't been much happening that has interested me. The stores seem to have stocked up on Super Soakers that I don't care about and take up NERF shelf space, and there have been no bargains to be found.

Monitoring global Nerf activity seems to indicate the Zombie Strike DOOMINATOR

and the  N-STRIKE MODULUS ECS-10  ........................................

have hit the market in England (or are just about to)? This according to ( DOOMINATOR LINK -  MODULUS LINK )The prices seem to convert to US dollars as follows:$92.18 for the MODULUS and $61.45 for the DOOMINATOR. Word is the US will start seeing them mid to late summer. My guess is they won't be that expensive based on the fact that the same site wants $69.13 US for a DEMOLISER, which is twice as much as they cost at Walmart, Target, or even TrU. Based on all that... I bet we are looking at about $40 for the Modulus and $30 for the Doominator when they hit shelves in the US.

This next bit is dedicated to that Awesome, Wobbly, Aussie Nerfer  Rob over at S.B.N.C.  He was all over this!... So I stole.. hmm, hmm, ... borrowed his pics...
There have been a couple of new additions to the SONIC ICE Series too.

Sonic Ice Mega Magnus
Sonic Ice ThunderBow
  Both have joined bringing the total number of Sonic Ice blasters to 8. I don't have any US-TRU prices for the new blasters but the last time I checked you could pick up the complete Sonic Ice Series from TrU for about $180. (read more about that- SONIC ICE POST LINK)  I am predicting that the THUNDERBOW and MAGNUS will eventually show up at TrU (USA) for $32 and $13 bringing the grand total of a complete-to -date SONIC ICE arsenal to approximately $225 plus tax (US Dollars). Maybe this would be a good investment??? I will probably pass, although I am considering obtaining a Sonic Ice CENTERION, which would be my first MEGA series blaster!

They're on sale right now, I might get one?!?!
Pretty, don't ya' think?

   That's really about all I have for you right now NERFerS. I do wish it was a little more exciting, but maybe next time..? So until then,   
                                                                   NERF ON NERFerS!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2015


I've heard and read all the negativity about the SNAFIRE along with its 2015 released  N-STRIKE  brethren the SHARPSHOT and the DOUBLEDOWN. How they are basically restyled in-line  JOLTs and perform as such.  I got hold of a DOUBLEDOWN and I was pleased with it just the same (Read more about that... ), so when I found this SNAPFIRE at the same store for $5  I got it and guess what... I like this one too!


Wednesday, May 6, 2015


At long last I got me one!                                                                                        

Last July I published the first of a few posts about the "Ultimate Holiday Blaster"- the RHINO FIRE, I think a lot of people did. Since then I'm sure you have seen it, come to know all about it, or maybe you even have one. If you read any of my other RF posts you know I wanted one from the very beginning despite the hefty price tag and now...finally, here it is, RHINO INCENDIUM MEUM -
                                                                                   MY RHINOFIRE!

Here she is.