Thursday, September 22, 2016

Unknown PART 1

Not exactly sure what I'm doing... or why?

This was a project I started back in August. The idea was to take what was left of this old Buzz Bee Tek -20 and see if I could use it as the base of some sort of new mod using only stuff I could find laying around the house. Keep in mind I like to tinker and I have a lot of junk for parts... but the idea is to do it without buying anything.

 At this point it's time to scavenge for useful parts and come up with some ideas. I made a desperate plea for help to my G+ community... but it seems I'm on my own.  The next thing I do is open it up and re-installed the motors that had been removed for a past project and made sure nothing else was missing. Now I shorta have a working, 20 shot, flywheel, blaster.
I also have started to gather things I might need like some wire, brass and pvc, strap for a sling? A few other things. I also thought I might use a piece of birch and incorporate a little wood work?

There are lots of partially used cans of paint laying around so that shouldn't be a problem... but at this point I still am not sure just what I want to do with this blaster. One thing I know is it will be a better blaster and the Tek -20 isn't very comfortable... next I turned my attention back to that piece of birch wood and thought I can cut a new stock out of that and fit it to the blaster!
It was a little rough but it fit pretty good and was definitely much more ergonomic. For a while I got busy with other things and still didn't really know what to do next with this thing. So work went slow and mostly towards that stock. That's when it finally started coming together! Maybe it was the wood-working, maybe it was the beginning of Fall but this blaster has chosen a path.
    I'll talk about that and further progress including the 9V power upgrade, cosmetics, and new pictures... All that and More in PART 2 stay tuned and until then,

        NERF ON NERFerS

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