Saturday, December 16, 2023


 This One Could've Been A Contender. 


In 2017 NERF launched the ACCUSTRIKE sub-series of the N-Strike Elite series. The series featured a new dart design that focused on increased accuracy and stability. The RAPTORSTRIKE was the flagship of the series,  and I think it could have been a legendary blaster...

Hitting store shelves in August of 2017 with a 50 dollar price tag, The RAPTORSTRIKE is a bolt-action clip system blaster. Included is the blaster, 18 darts, a 2 piece bolt, bipod, 2 six dart clips, and instructions.

RAPTORSTRIKE with included 18 ACCUSTRIKE darts, 2 clips,  and bipod. 

 It features an integrated shoulder stock with cheek rest, where extra clip can be stored.  The thumb hole grip with hand guard is both comfortable and stylish. 

Shoulder stock and grip 

The clip release button is located inside the trigger guard, opposite the firing trigger, instead of next to the magazine well. Some people aren't  fans of this, but I don't mind. 
Firing trigger and clip release 

The two 6-dart clips that come with the RAPTORSTRIKE are white on one side, and clear on the other. They are angled on the bottom, but otherwise the same as other NERF clips and work in other clip system blasters. 

RAPTORSTRIKE 6-dart clips 

The barrel is also integrated and extends about 9 and a half inchs (24cm) past the actual muzzle, where the dart exits the blaster.  This extended part of the barrel does not cause "dart drag" as most barrel extensions do. 


The RAPTORSTRIKE also has an integrated spring-loaded, flip-up sight with a release button. 

Sight folded down 

There is a non-removeable  iron ring sight above the muzzle as well.

Front and rear sights 

This brings up what I call "Huge mistake #1".  Despite being designed as a bolt-action,single shot, long range/sniper type of gun, there is no tactical rail anywhere on the top of the blaster. It's a real shame because this blaster is just begging for a scope... 

How the RAPTORSTRIKE might look with a scope 

There is  one small tactical rail on the bottom of the RAPTORSTRIKE. It is there to accommodate the  bipod that comes with the blaster. The RAPTORSTRIKE bipod features two legs that can fold up either forward or backwards for storage. The legs can be extended by pressing a button and pulling out the leg.


 The bipod is a little wobbly, but Tacti-Cool none the less. A white version of this bipod was released with the MODULUS LONGSTRIKE. 

Overall performance is just about on par with Elite standards, I'm sorry that I can't tell you the RAPTORSTRIKE is an exceptionaly powerful bolt- action springer. Of course using ACCUSTRIKE darts will decrease distance and fps while improving accuracy,  compared to Elite darts. 

(L) Elite dart,  (R) ACCUSTRIKE dart 

The RAPTORSTRIKE has been discontinued by NERF, but there are plenty available on the interweb.  They  go for  about 50 bucks new, 25 used.  I've seen some beat-up blasters for even less.

This brings me  to "Huge mistake #2"... the RAPTORSTRIKE's original MSRP was about 50 US dollars, as a new one is today. Six and a half years ago that was a bit pricey, and there were better blasters available for less. I just got lucky and found one in the clearance isle at a Wallly-Mart for $17.

With  that being said, I think the RAPTORSTRIKE might be an excellent candidate for a mod project.  An upgrade spring can easily be found online for around 10 bucks. This basic mod alone would boost the power of this "sniper " styled blaster significantly. 

5K upgrade plunger spring 

Other modifications such as removing the air restrictor would increase performance even more.of course other parts and  upgrades can be found  online,  and might help make the RAPTORSTRIKE a truly worthy successor of blasters like the LONGSHOT and LONGSTRIKE. 

RAPTORSTRIKE upgrade kit available on Etsy 

I have seen some absolutely beautiful RAPTORSTRIKE mods. I think  this blaster has a ton of potential... 
RAPTORSTRIKE mod from Reddit 

The RAPTORSTRIKE is long, sleek, and distinctive looking. Whether you paint it, upgrade the plunger spring, add tactical rail, or all that and more...
RAPTORSTRIKE mod from Reddit 

Or even if you don't mod it at all, and are just looking for a new addition to  your NERF armory,, I recommend taking a look at the RAPTORSTRIKE. 

NERF on NERFerS!!!

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