Sunday, November 17, 2019

Zombie Strike Land- SPECIAL EDITION

Ultimate Survival System


Last time, I left you with the teaser that I had just picked up a new Zombie Strike blaster. As if it was  meant to be, I found a SCRAVENGER plus the CHOPSTOCK and TWINSLICE accessories for a fantastic price. So without further Ado let's take a look...
Both the blaster and accessories we're released in the fall of 2018 under the Zombie Strike Survival System sub-series. The 50 dollar price tag on the SCRAVENGER along with the 13 dollars each for the accessories made them a little pricey for my tastes... but due to recent pre-holiday sales I was able to pick up the entire package for a more affordable 28 dollars.

I found all this on sale for under $30

The SCRAVENGER is a lever action spring-powered, clip system blaster. It comes packaged with a barrel extension, a scope, a tactical light, and a shoulder stock that has its own detachable mini blaster similar to a JOLT. Also included are two 12 dart clips, 26 Zombie Strike darts, and an instruction sheet.


SCRAVENGER assembled

The SCRAVENGER operates just like the Zombie Strike SlingFire but has at least one major improvement.

SCRAVENGER and SlingFire 

A selector switch on the right side allows this blaster to Slam-fire. Overall performance is right on par with Nerf Elite standards, but that Slam-fire feature along with the removable stock is just sweet!

Slam- fire selector switch.

Speaking of the stock, it is compatible with other NERF blasters with attachment points, however it fits "upside down" on other blasters.

Shoulder stock mini blaster
The 2 shot JOLT-style detachable back up blaster is also handy.
The scope is kind of comical, looking like it's made from various bits of hardware like a piece of pipe, a few screws, and some hose clamps... it also has an extra piece that will hold an additional clip.

The tacti-cool light requires three AAA batteries (not included). It looks like it's supposed to be made from a screwdriver handle or something like that. I'm not sure why you would make a flashlight out of a broken tool handle but whatever...


I'm not sure what the barrel extension is supposed to look like  it is cobbled out of,  but it is riddled with faux holes...

Barrel extension

however the inside diameter is wide and does not cause dart drag.

The Upgrades 
The CHOPSTOCK is a detachable shoulder stock that doubles as an axe melee weapon.


Although it does have some foam on it, the CHOPSTOCK is mostly made of hard plastic. Swinging it hard at someone would hurt them. The CHOPSTOCK is adjustable like the RAIDER CS-35 stock,  but it locks in place much better.

Fully extended

The TWINSLICE is a tactical rail attachment that holds two foam blades.


The blades are detachable and are meant to be thrown at the enemy like ninja stars (shuriken). The foam blades are similar to the foam saw blade on the Zombie Strike CROSSCUT.

The TWINSLICE blades are 100% foam and actually pretty safe to use, however there is a warning on them not to aim for the eyes or face (what fun is that).

Adding the CHOPSTOCK and TWINSLICE to the SCRAVENGER transform it into the ultimate zombie slaying weapon.

Ultimate Survival System

Clip fed, rapid fire, flying saw blades, and a built-in axe... who could ask for anything more?
Overall I find the SCRAVENGER  big and heavy, definitely two hands full when fully equipped. It's also busy, with lots to do it's lots of fun! A perfect weapon with which to devastate the zombie hordes.
                         NERF on NERFerS!!!

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